George Anders at WKWSCI

I was reading the book “You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a “Useless” Liberal Arts Education” when I received an email that the author, George Anders, would be visiting Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information.

Wow! What an opportunity! George is a Pulitzer Prize honoree. He has written for some of the biggest names in the media – The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Guardian and Harvard Business Review. He has 250k followers on LinkedIn and has written 5 books.

George kindly agreed to speak to the undergrads at my CS0204 Basic Media Writing lecture yesterday, where he shared invaluable advice on the craft of feature writing and doing interviews. He also let the students know that their efforts in learning how to think and write well would pay off in more ways than they could imagine.

To my NTU students reading this, I wish I had the same opportunity to hear from such a master when I was your age. It took me a long time to learn the truths he shared and his latest book (You Can Do Anything) is gold for arts students feeling angsty about this STEM-focused world.

Thank you, George!