OpenAI just announced that “all ChatGPT Free users can now use browse, vision, data analysis, file uploads, and GPTs”.
WOOHOO! This is great timing for my upcoming “The Straits Times Masterclass on Generative AI for Teenagers” on 19th June.
With these ChatGPT features now unlocked for everyone, it’s going to be fun letting my workshop participants upload any school assignment or test paper to ChatGPT. They can also use the custom GPTs I’ve designed for different needs, such as improving one’s English vocabulary or strengthening their use of Chinese idioms.
My goal is to let these teenagers discover how they can learn more deeply and efficiently with Gen AI. Building a growth mindset with Gen AI will help them avoid using the technology to become lazy and easily replaceable.
If you are keen to sign up your teenager for the workshop, there are still a few slots available. The response has been great – the ST folks told me we’re moving to a bigger training room at the SPH News Centre to accommodate the larger class. You can message me directly if you have any questions about the workshop.
Two of my GPTs you can try out in ChatGPT: