I usually conduct my Gen AI workshops in person, so it was a different experience to conducting it over Zoom yesterday for the MARKETING-INTERACTIVE Masterclass.
One good thing about teaching Gen AI online was that everyone could clearly see what was going on as we crafted prompts together. After that, we put up our generated work on a virtual whiteboard and discussed the inner workings of Gen AI by analysing each other’s work.
Gen AI apps like ChatGPT are easy to pick up, but achieving very specific outcomes for challenging problems is always better learned by crafting prompts and observing how others do theirs.
My role as the coach is to listen carefully to each person’s pain point at work, then help them craft their first prompt to directly address the root cause. After that, they find it easier to iterate and get to their desired results.
Thank you to Sheela Faheen Nazir and the Marketing-Interactive team for making the workshop possible!