Now you’ve done it.
You’ve subscribed to yet another LinkedIn newsletter where every paragraph aspires to the length of a sentence.
But I promise not to waste your time.
The simple purpose of this newsletter is to let you check out what earth-shattering posts I’ve written this past week. Then, you can decide whether to read on or just swipe me away.
I write a lot on LinkedIn because, firstly, I tell my undergrad students that we must write daily to keep our writing sharp. In turn, I must walk the talk or be a hypocrite (shudder).
Secondly, I believe LinkedIn is where all of us need to build our personal brand because nobody really reads your paper CV anymore.
Why, if you aren’t posting on LI, you don’t actually exist in this new strange world where everyone is beating their chest and telling you how successful they are. My readers know I avoid writing such cringey stuff.
But posting frequently creates another problem.
My friends constantly tell me, “Ian, you’re posting too much! I can’t keep up!” or “I unfollowed you because your posts keep appearing in my feed.”
OK, I get the message! Thus, even though I have a lecture to prepare today, I’m slapping this first newsletter together to prevent my remaining friendships from blowing up.
With any post or newsletter, I try to let you see the world a little differently by shifting the lens ever so slightly. Perhaps, just perhaps, your world will begin to change for the better as well.
Disclaimer: This newsletter…
- Won’t make you richer (because I’m still trying to figure that out).
- Won’t solve your relationship problems (because I never quarrel with my wife of 22 years, serious).
- Won’t solve climate change (because there’s no “sustainability” in my job title).
OK, let’s cut the BS and get straight to the good stuff. I wrote a lot about dragons this week as it’s the Chinese New Year and lots of Wood Dragons will be born in coming months.
Come, click on what you like:
How to avoid making generic-looking AI Art.

Your zodiac sign does not define you

What’s the point of AI Art?

Why my Gen AI workshops are like Gen AI

And a popular post that annoyed some LinkedIn users who have been hiding a little secret:
Would you pay money to game the LinkedIn algorithm to get more views and followers?
I refuse to pay others to mindlessly click on my posts so we can help each other get more views, likes and followers. You shouldn’t have to either!
OK, till next week’s haphazardly assembled newsletter… Peace.
This is was originally written for my LinkedIn newsletter “Iterate This” on 11th Feb 2024. Subscribe on LinkedIn