I grabbed this book “Rules of Thumb: 52 Principles for Winning at Business without Losing Your Self” by Alan Webber this morning – it was on sale at $1.99 in the Kindle Store.
Here’s the first Rule of Thumb:
“W. Edwards Deming is famous for his fourteen-point program that created the modern total quality movement. The one I always come back to is his eighth point: “Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company.”
What he didn’t say is that the place to start is with you. Anytime you approach a task with fear you are at least a double loser. First, you color the work with fear and increase the chances of failure. Confidence and composure trump fear every time. Second, you guarantee that you won’t enjoy the experience. Whether you succeed or fail, wouldn’t you like to remember the experience as one you enjoyed, not one you suffered through?
So when you feel that familiar unpleasant sensation rising up in your chest or settling into the pit of your stomach, remember Rule #1. Don’t let fear undermine your chance to do that one thing you’ve wanted to do. Rule #1 touches every other rule. Take a second and smile. Enjoy the trip.”