The first Sora video ad is quite dull

This is the first video advertisement made with Sora, the text-to-video generator from OpenAI. Are you impressed?

The ad brief: “Imagine the excitement of creating a young Charles Lazarus, the founder of Toys“R”Us, and envisioning his dreams for our iconic brand and beloved mascot Geoffrey the Giraffe in the early 1930s.”

My few cents: 

1. Unfortunately, it’s not a good ad. The colorful AI-generated visuals don’t make up for the dull scripting and (probably AI-generated) female voiceover. The ad lacks creativity on multiple levels. And it doesn’t answer the question, “Why should I visit Toys “R” Us instead of Amazon?”

2. The challenge with AI videos is keeping the characters consistent from one scene to another. I can see that the creative agency tried very hard to do so in this ad, but it’s still obvious that young Charles is not played by the same AI actor throughout the 1 minute video. 

Anyway, it’s early days as Sora hasn’t been released to the public. I am sure my NTU students will do some amazing stuff with Sora!